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FAQ: 5.56mm NATO vs .223 Rem
5.56mm NATO vs .223 Remington - What's the Difference?
5.56 NATO and .223 Remington Ammo Is Different... Don't blow up your AR 15!
Is .223 or 5.56 Better?
5.56x45 NATO vs .223 Rem How To Determine Your Rifle Chamber
223 vs 5.56: Can’t Believe The Difference
5.56 vs .223 What’s The Difference?
223 vs 5.56 | What's the Difference?
5.56 vs. 223: What's the Difference?
Differences between 223 Remington and 5.56 Nato
223 Remington vs. 5.56 NATO
The Best AR-15 Barrel: .223 Wylde vs 5.56